Dir. Su Rynard, 2015, USA, 89 minutes, Cert: 18 (CTBA)
Wed 7 March 2018 // 20:00
Tickets: £5 (full) / £4 (concession)
Online tickets sold out - 10 tickets left on the door
The Messenger explores our deep-seated connection to birds and warns that the uncertain fate of songbirds might just mirror our own.
The Messenger is a visually stunning journey into the beauty and importance of the imperilled songbird, and what it will mean to all of us, on both a global and personal level, if we lose them. The film has won international film festival awards and was a Top Ten Audience Favourite at HotDocs.
An essential film for anyone who cares about the environment and nature and full of insights and revelations for all audiences, The Messenger explores mankind’s deep-seated connection to songbirds and the devastating impact humans have had on bird species, from urbanisation, climate change and pesticides.
With intro and Q&A from Tim Scoones and Stephen Moss (former Executive Producers of BBC Springwatch) and Ruth Peacey, Birdwatch readers’ Conservation Hero of the Year