Crick Crack Club presents:
Doors: 7.30pm | Starts: 8pm | Running time: 75 minutes (TBC) | Suitable for: adults 14+
Thu 21 March 2024 // 20:00
Tickets: £10.50
Once upon a time there were three sisters, and three brothers, and a mortal king, and a tree of gold, a fruit of life, a mountain of glass, a witch in the woods with a knife, and a daughter, a slaughter and a sacrifice, a shared myth, a curse, a tragic truth, another world beyond a wall, the devil himself, and other wonders...
Fall into the surreal, enchanting and hallucinatory world of three wonder tales told by Sarah Liisa Wilkinson. We promise to return you in one piece... unless you choose to stay.
CONTENT WARNING: this performance may contain descriptions of sex, violence, threat, and death, contextualised within a paradigm of mythic narrative, archetype and metaphor.
Half-English and half-Finnish, storyteller Sarah Lisa Wilkinson is one of the brightest new talents to emerge in British storytelling. She has trained as a performer with Philippe Gaulier, and as a storyteller with Nell Phoenix and Ben Haggarty. She has told stories to audiences in clubs, pubs, festivals, churches, front rooms and all-night sleepovers. She is a member of The Embers Collective.
'The Crick Crack Club is something special.'
A Younger Theatre
Founded in 1987 by world-class performance storyteller and sector pioneer, Ben Haggarty, today Crick Crack Club is the UK's busiest and boldest performance storytelling programmer and promoter. It creates exuberant, intelligent, wild, weird and wonderful events in London, Bristol, Dorset, and across the UK, that draw people from all walks of life into a shared experience and the stunning content of international fairytale, folktale, myth and epic. Featuring outstanding performance storytellers and the very best new talent, its annual public programme of shows and residencies can be found in theatres, at festivals, in castles, caves, village halls, rose gardens and derelict warehouses.
'A treasure house of humour, romance and myth.'
City Limits
Plays To See
Every month, Crick Crack Club brings its wild haven of fairytale, myth and epic to the awesome red velvet surroundings of Bristol's finest independent cinema, theatre and place of happenings, The CUBE Microplex; THE place in Bristol for unusual events, performance art, spoken word and live storytelling for grown-ups.