Hellfire Video Club presents
Cliff Roquemore / 1976 / USA / 96 mins / Over 18s only
Fri 30 September 2016 // 20:00
Tickets: £5 / £4
For Scalarama 2016 we are excited to bring you a double-bill of eccentric, low-budget Blaxploitation weirdness. Main film is Rudy Ray Moore's ultra-daft "Human Tornado" (1976). Where Dolemite battles the Mafia, rolls down hills in his pants and demonstrates his face-melting Kung-Fu and jive-talk skillz. Bizarre and childish, this is a minor-epic of underground film-making.
Don't forget to stick around for a second slice of oddball street-level action!
HFVC in the bar spinning soul, funk and esoteric OST grooves