Miserabilism Sunday: Stalker
Sun 9 October 2005 // 17:00
Andrei Tarkovsky / West Germany-Soviet Union / 163 min / 35mm / Cert PG (Sun 9th / 5pm / £2)
Miserablism Sunday examines high art with low brow humour, screening a slow paced experimental art movie from Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. His masterpiece Stalker has been chosen as part of our event to reflect the perils of a Sunday, albeit in a comical shroud. Surrounding the movie is interesting soundtrack movie music from DJs and a pleasantly twisted vibe to polish off your weekend.
If things get too stressed a character from a legendary movie over the rainbow will be on hand to sooth the strain of this Russian epic. From her ladle porridge makes a prestigious addition to the Cube snack menu. Critical writing and short video edits from the organisers combine with oddball critical readings to mould this experimental showcase to the Cube. Call it a surreal yet contemporary academic look at film.