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Cube Rebox - Presentation of the plans to remodel the Microplex

Sun 25 October 2015 // 19:00

Tickets: Free Entry and Cake – all welcome

Welcome to the début feature presentation to launch The Cube's plans to remodel it's own interior and exterior to make it fit for all.

In 2016 The Cube plans, pending successful fund raising, to shut down for many months so it can carry out essential maintenance work and put in place some improvements that we have long been hoping to instigate. These include: Access For All, reducing carbon emissions and improving heating and A/C, new toilets, bigger bar/event space, extra daylight, sound proofing and lots of DIY building and reshaping projects. Much stays the same, lots gets upgraded.

Microplex members, new punters and our volunteer workforce and guests all plan to get some new Cube fashioned rooms and facilities to play with. This is a huge piece scheme of work and we want to present it to all.

TONIGHT will feature a 3D model presentation of what the Cube has been and what it could become, details, pictures and schemes presented by some of the team behind the plans, a Conga through off limits Cubic spaces, free cake, a Q&A session, wild ideas and fund raising schemes.

Please be invited and get involved with the Cube's past and futures.