The Cube Presents Mugstars' Live Score to Ad Marginem
Sat 6 February 2016 // 20:00
Tickets: £6 advance, £8 on the door
Ad Marginem is the result of a collaboration between film maker Liam Yates and scouse space rockers Mugstar. Shot in a striking environment of harsh textures and monochrome landscapes in Mersyside, the film and music were written outside normal conventions. The score was written to the images, with band members being part of the writing, directing and acting process. What is presented is a claustrophobic work with the music taking equal billing with the film, which takes much from Pythagorean philosophy, and is itself broken into five acts.
Performed only a handful of times before, we are pleased to have Mugstar playing their score live. Brooding drones crescendoing in walls of sound and tight musical patterns, there have been comparisons to post rock heroes Slint and Godspeed. A wonderful psychedelic experience that demands to be seen and heard in equal measure.
Supporting Mugstar tonight we are pleased to have with us Falling Stacks, a local act that also bask in the post rock glow.
Closing the night we have the finest tunes brought to you by the DJs from All the buttons, all at once. Expect psych, metal, and all sorts of other worldly cRaZy shit! Party till the wee hours!
Tickets available from Bristol Ticket Shop and Here Shop and Gallery.