Cutting Up My Friends
Sat 29 October 2005 // 20:00
(Sat 29th / 8pm / £5)
Please attend the digitally projected Universal Premiere of the "Cutting Up My Friends" film, a long, gloriously entertaining ride into the world of David Hopkinson's video art.
A long, long time in the making in a far off studio, deep in the confines of Hopkinson Heartland comes an Arts Council supported video piece by
visual/music/media artist David Hopkinson, based in Bristol, UK. The video piece features many local characters (Amy Jarlett, Ben Hereshop, Dani Landau, Grim Evelyn, Lev, My Dentist, Patrick Joyce, Tom Cobs, Unai Requejo and trillions more) captured performing sounds, music, dance and noises alone. They have then been filmed, digitalised, cracked, cut up and spliced back together in multi-loop format. For the orchestral, micro-prom, maximum potential they have then been brought together through meticulous editing to make a virtual widescreen ensemble.
For this night only, support comes from three live orchestras in
situations suggested by Mr Hopkinson:
The Turntable Orkhestra, organised by Jay Le Surgeon and featuring many skilled turtablists such as Beanz performing using multiple copies of the 1960s record "An Introduction to the Orchestra".
9V Cell culled together by Tom Bugs' performing with light sensitive
instruments in the dark space beneath the audience's seats in the
auditorium with a live night-vision feed on the big screen.
In the Bar RLF & Diss Miss DJ in combination with inspired and
improvisational pianist Colin Smith.
Fair to say you will get your fill. Be courteous and Cut Up Your Friends.