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Myanmar: A Prison Without Bars -amnesty Int. Presentation

Mon 15 March 2004 // 20:00

Myanmar: "A prison without bars"
(Mon 15th / 8pm / £3/2)

Pascal Khoo Thwe, author of "From the Land of the Green Ghosts", will talk about his experience escaping Burma, PLUS a screening of "Inside Burma: Land of Fear" (1996)-a fascinating documentary in which John Pilger and David Munro detail the many injustices and human rights abuses that have so badly marked the country's past and present, focussing on the democratic uprising of 1988. There will also be an exhibition of Chris Robinson's photographs of Burmese women.

Organised with the University of Bristol Amnesty International group as part of their Myanmar campaign, which has concentrated in particular on the plight of ex-student union leader and prisoner of conscience Min Ko Naing.