Jesus Son
Tue 30 March 2004 // 20:00
(Alison Maclean / 107min / cert 18)
(Tue 30th / 8pm / £2)
Starring Samantha Morton, Holly Hunter, Will Patton, Jack Black, Billy Crudup, Denis Leary, Dennis Hopper
Before becoming famous with films like Shallow Hal and more recently School of Rock, Jack Black shone as the crazy drug-fueled workmate of Billy Crudup (Almost Famous) who plays a loveable junkie prone to religious experiences in the Laundromat.
At the Cube for just one special Tuesday Jesus' Son returns as an unexpected joy - a film about drugs that has no obvious message or moral stance and refuses to stereotype its subjects. Based on an acclaimed collection of inter- connected short stories this elegiac, meandering movie tells the story of a legendary, charming young loser who rejoices in the nickname Fuckhead, or FH for short. FH tells us his story - how he came to meet Michelle, became addicted to heroin and slipped into a life of petty crime.