Counter Christmas (mail Art Show)

Mon 15 December 2003 // 20:25

The Cube goes mail art, just in time for counter christmas, and that's counter as in post office.
Here at the Cube we made a Christmas wish that, if we sent a S.A.E. and a beautiful raspberry pink bag to all our favourite artists, they might feel compelled to bag up Christmas in whatever form they chose and provide the good people at the Cube with their one wish - a small lo-fi sellection of banging exhibitions to grace our woodchip walls. Maybe they would be guided by by the good deeds we have done this year - bringing outragous and underground events to the people of Bristol - or maybe just by the magic of Christmas.

You are invited to Stuff it in! You are provided with a Cube bag with our address on it. Please return what ever you like - scribbles , drawings, bits and bobs, flotsam and jetsam, paraphernalia, Christmas tat, letters, videos, photos, lo-fi beauties - anything!

Be assured that all returned exhibitions will be publicised and showed between Xmas 2003 and May 2004.

[note to Jono this copy does not need to have a date or time, i.e. floating copy.]