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They Go To Die

Mon 18 March 2013 // 19:00

(Mon 18th / 7pm / 70 minutes / 2012 / free or £1 membership fee for any Cube non-members)

Medsin and RESULTS Bristol are proud to present a screening and Q&A with the director of new hard hitting global health documentary They Go To Die, a new global health documentary which takes a close look at the human cost of one of the world’s largest extractive industries: gold mining.

The film follows the lives of four former migrant goldmine workers in South Africa and Swaziland who have contracted drug resistant Tuberculosis and HIV while working at a gold mine. When the miners fail to improve their TB status at the mine hospital they are sent home to rural areas of Southern Africa with no continuation of care or means for treatment. The men are 'sent home to die'.
The film raises concerns of disease and human right violations uniquely through the context of life, love and family; unlike traditional health films, it focuses on relationships and bonding, not death and disease. It is a film of uniting across cultures and paints a picture of common humanity.
