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David Bowie : The Man Who Fell To Earth

Mon 11 March 2013 // 20:00

(Mon 11th March / 8pm / £5/4)
(Nic Roeg / 135 minutes / UK / 1976 / Certificate 18)

The Cube celebrates the essence of David-ness with a one-off screening of Nic Roeg's 1976 scifi classic THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH.

An iconic Bowie, at the height of his cocaine period, stars as nipple-less alien Thomas Jerome Newton, marooned in dystopian 1970s America.

“My eyes... please don't touch my eyes... oh no, now I'll never get them off...” Its a wonderful, strange and glittering film.

with extra BOWIE-TREATS : rare footage on the big screen, plus DJ Mouse_Slayer and DJ Debs (ex-Flatmates) spinning golden hits in the bar.

On the release day of his first album for a decade the Cube says - Gawd bless you David.