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Comedy Combo: Open Mic Plus 'blazing Saddles'

Sat 12 January 2013 // 19:30

(Saturday 12th Jan / 7.30 pm / £5/4)
(Mel Brooks /1974 / USA / 88 minutes / certificate 12)

There's a lot of stand up talent out there, and it's finding its way to the Cube. After an hour and a half or so of open mic, we are showing comedy classic 'Blazing Saddles' a savagely satirical attack on racism and a spoof of the Hollywood western.

Set in 1874, some shady land speculators need to run a railroad through Ridge Rock, and decide to drive the residents out. The last thing they want there is law and order, and so the villain, Hedley Lamarr, sends in a black sheriff (Cleavon Little), figuring the bigoted townspeople will revolt. With only one ally at first, a drunken ex-gunslinger (Gene Wilder) the sheriff wins over the town people and the united town deals with the crooks.