Goan Dogs Ep Launch
Sun 29 July 2012 // 20:00
(Sunday 29 July / 8pm / £7)
Dragging their harmony drenched cinematic sounds from the dusty plains of this here Bristol, Goan Dogs are set to turn the balmy summer evening ablaze as they celebrate the launch of their much anticipated second EP. With finely crafted songs awash with brooding imagery and pulsating rhythms, Goan Dogs are known for translating them into deeply atmospheric live events and tonight this will be particularly so.
Having completed four new tracks with legendary producers The Insects and another of Bristol’s finest talents, Euan Dickinson, the quintet are showcasing the material with some very special guests which will include a DJ set from the wonderfully sonorous Binary Rhythm. Expect a night of complete sonic variation and sensory stimulation with live projections and screen printings for all to immerse themselves in. Failing that, the music will more than hold up on its own.