Picture for event

Pwr 2 Mca

Fri 29 June 2012 // 20:00

(Fri 29th / 8pm / £6/5 if you dress up like a Beastie Boy!)

Put Your Worries On Hold
Get Up And Groove With The Rhythm In Your Soul.

Yes Yes Y'all!!! MCA may be gone but his legacy most certainly isn't. Come on down to the Cube for a very special Beastie Boys night, featuring an outrageous Beasties flick, live East-Coast hip-hop mixed lovingly in the bar, and other special treats celebrating the spirit of the beastiest Beastie and the New York underground circa 1985 and onwards (watch this space for updates).

Dress like a Beastie and you get discounted entry! Also a prize goes to the best dressed person.