(Saturday 7 July / 8pm / £7)
No photo of them four sitting on the lions in T. Square but blast drones and other weirds. Trans-chimeric-exp.
Aqua Dentata
Skewed atmospheres, inequalities of the surface, all now is wild seas, vibes - "collapsing in on themselves, distilling into vacuumed interzone voids and spectral whispers that may never even have existed."
http://www.aquadentata.org These Feathers Have Plumes
Or the unwordly migration from the depths to the light's lines. Smoke...
http://www.thesefeathershaveplumes.com BBBlood
Initials eponyms. Hybris & Nemesis. Wwsshh sic.
http://www.bbblood.blogspot.com Cheapmachines
Enter radiance of levitating grey stone's memories. Aweeeeeeee