Danca Du Creu : Baile Funk Party!
Fri 8 July 2011 // 20:00
(Fri 8th July | 8pm | £5/£4)
Baile Funk is the ultimate party music and tonight its coming to the Cube! Alongside footballers, fine bikinis, carnivals and Guarana, its one of the shining gems of Brazilian culture. You probably know it via MIA, Bonde do Role and Diplo but Danca Du Creu will be playing the real thing.
In the Fifties the Brazilian underground retooled American jazz for its own purposes adding a cocktail of clanging, provocative dancing, drums and machine guns to the mix… Funk became part of the fabric of every wild favela party. Today the same process continues but with jazz replaced by material closer to home - Britney Spears, Madonna, Freddy Mercury, Devo and Gnarls Barkley - can all be heard on the reverb… a mutant echo of our own nights out with a bioclast of trimmings.
Join us at The Cube for a plethora of all of the above with DJs, Dancers, films, documentaries and artworks, alongside a fair few Caipirinhas...