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Sun 18 July 2010 // 21:00
Mon 19 July 2010 // 21:00
Tue 20 July 2010 // 21:00 *

(Sun 18th, Mon 19th and Tue 20th / 9pm / £4/3/2 TTT)

(Shannon Walsh / Canada / 2009 / 79 minutes)

A documentary following those attempting to defend the Alberta waters against tar sands expansion. Canada is America's biggest oil supplier. Located under Alberta’s pristine boreal forests, the process of oil sands extraction uses up to 4 barrels of fresh water to produce one barrel of crude oil. As Alberta rushes towards a large-scale extraction, the social, ecological and human impacts are hitting a crisis point.

Bristol Greenpeace will be attending the screenings and introducing H2Oil. TAR SANDS is the current international Greenpeace campaign, and GREENPEACE UK are targeting BP investment.