Bristol Indymedia Presents: Climate Change Talks - COP15 or COPOUT?
Monday 22nd February 2010, 8pm Entry £3/£4
(but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.) Following the inability of the so called global leaders to agree on any substantial agreement on climate change at the Copenhagen Summit we have ask 'What Now?' for the fight against climate change. Despite the failure of the of our leaders to agree on any concrete solutions, globally the worlds people (particularly those in developing countries) are proposing realistic solutions to address the problems of climate change, rejecting the paradigm of economic growth as the only way. Unfortunately these people have little strength globally and are at the mercy of the developed world. Also with people attending the COP15 to protest against the inequalities of the impact of climate change, being deported and locked up shows that dissent and criticism are not welcome by those in power who seem to want to push the planet into the abyss. Bristol Indymedia presents short films about the COP15 and discussions on what this means for the climate change movement and the global population as the real implications of global warming begin to be felt over the coming years. Cube Cinema, Dove Street South, Bristol 22nd February 7.45pm / £4 or £3 (but nobody refused for lack of funds).