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Encounters: Alex Mackenzie Rayogram Workshop

Sat 21 November 2009 // 14:00

Saturday 21st/ Encounters: Alex MacKenzie

Alex MacKenzie is a Vancouver based artist working with home made projectors and hand processed film. He was the founder and curator of The Edison Electric Gallery of Moving Images, The Blinding Light!! Cinema and the Vancouver Underground Film Festival.

2pm - 6pm/ £25/£20 concession
Alex MacKenzie: 16mm Rayogram Contact Printing Workshop

Time to turn the lights off and experiment. In this workshop Alex explores the potential of moving image rayograms - the technique whereby objects are placed on the surface of 16mm film, exposed to light, and processed to negative. The workshop will involve contact printing where images of found footage are used as source material, manipulated, and exposed to create stunning new images. 16mm film stock will be supplied and a group piece will be created and screened. No prior experience necessary. Please bring little objects you might want to place on the film ie: staples, paperclips, washers, bits of nature, bits of paper, and anything larger with a pattern (looseweave fabric and doilies, etc). Limited places.