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Gokkun And Mindfuckingboy

Fri 16 October 2009 // 20:00

(Fri 16th / 8pm / £5 advance, £6 door)

From the tiny island of Singapore comes Mindfuckingboy who, with his previous speciality in grindcore and punk, now journeys with you into unexplored territories in noise, unleashing harsh ear-penetrating blasts that will conjure and expel any surface and/or hidden emotions. Accompanying Mindfuckingboy on this 2009 European tour is Kismett, equipped with an unorthodox Japanese instrument and a little pen.

Gokkun is one-man guerilla harsh noise project based in Bulgaria. No-input mixing board in its core, run through effect pedals and an Atari sound generator, this simple setup is played like a "real" musical instrument - every knob and pedal is a key with which Martin (classically trained pianist) plays his feral and fest mixture of harsh noise, melodies, Eai and even sometimes beats.
This is Gokkun's third European tour this year, one of the previous ones being with Kylie Minoise.