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The Power Of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

Tue 16 September 2008 // 19:00

(Tues 16th / 7.30pm / £4/3)

With speaker ROBERTO PEREZ, noted Cuban biologist and permaculturist who is featured in the film.

When Cuba lost access to Soviet oil, fertilizers and export trade market in the early 1990s, the country faced virtual overnight economic collapse and an immediate crisis - feeding the population. The story of the Cuban people's hardship, ingenuity and triumph over sudden adversity - through cooperation, conservation and community - to create a low energy society is inspirational. Cuba's transition to organic agriculture and rapid relocalisation based on decentralised health care and higher education, bicycles and public transport, and community response to radical change is both thought provoking and empowering.
Roberto Perez, who has recently completed a hugely popular speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand is currently touring Britain and will provide a rare opportunity to hear about the Cuban experience first hand. The film will be followed by discussion of practical ways we can meet the challenges of climate change and make the transition to a low energy society.

Director Faith Morgan

advance tickets available from the Better Food Company
Proving House, Sevier Street
St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9QS
0117 935 1725 | admin@betterfood.co.uk