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Mohammed Ouammi Exhibition Launch

Thu 5 June 2008 // 18:00

(Thu 5th / 6pm)

Mo is a local, Easton-based artist who has been living in Bristol for the last 5 years. Previous to this, he moved around Europe for many years passing through Spain, France and Germany and developing his technique and style.
Over the years, he has amassed fluency in most European languages as well as a striking and stylised method of painting which could be compared, loosely, to abstract expressionism. Mo builds layers and layers of paint onto his canvas to give dense layers and patterns. Colours communicate strongly and emotion and meaning, usually brought to the painting by the viewer, comes about in the interplay of line and tone.

Currently working a lot in schools, Mo also paints with symbols and encourages school children to practise creating arabic and other globally recognisable signs in artworks of their own. And last year, he was involved in the painting of a large outdoor mural with Bristol-based graffiti artist FLX Design, just off St Marks Road in Easton.