featuring live performances from The Child Fourana, Carson Brent, Steve Watson, Red Trees and Poppy.
(Sat 28th / 6.30pm / £5)
Come celebrate the midsummer and the closing of June at your favourite microplex for a five act garden/auditorium based mini-fest, complete with (weather permitting!) barbecue and slow summer drinks, as we watch day turn to night and June turn to July in the company of five acoustic treasures from near and afar.
The Child Fourana effortlessly craft towers of song from simple loops and a keen ear for melody. Carson Brent wistfully amble between the real and imagined sounds of our lives, enveloping the ears with songs of ominous joy. Steve Watson creates beguiling fingerpickin’ tunes from the elements themselves with the aid of Madeline, his guitar and songwriting partner. Red Trees shade their melodious ease with a melancholy sense of nostalgia and longing, whilst Poppy brings her keenly observed songs of everyday life.
http://www.myspace.com/redtrees2, http://www.myspace.com/steveandmadeline, http://www.myspace.com/thechildfourana, http://www.myspace.com/carsonbrent, http://www.myspace.com/poppyandfriends