Stanley Brinks Aka Andre Herman Dune
Mon 24 September 2007 // 19:00
Stanley Brinks + Vase + Rozi Plain
(monday 24th / 8pm / £5/£4adv)
He played in a band. He toured the old world. The shows were exciting, fun and unheard. In the fall of 2006, he changed his name to Stanley Brinks. He moved away from his friends and family, and became an enemy of society.
Stanley Brinks is the new identity of André Herman Düne, original member of the Herman Düne trio. He also recorded and played shows in Europe, the UK and the US under various other names: Ben Dope, Ben Haschish, Klaus Bong, John Trawling, John Andreas, Lord Stanislas... Now based in Berlin, he's mostly recording and playing as a solo act.
Support comes from the 'weird, repressed, shambling and deeply unfashionable' Vase.