Wes Anderson Appreciation Society
Fri 29 June 2007 // 20:00
Wes Anderson Appreciation Society
(fri 29th / 8pm / £2)
Revel in the absurdist widescreen world of WES ANDERSON, the hilarious tragedy and the small joys of conversation and camaraderie. Come as your favourite flawed protagonist. Max Fischer from Rushmore. Any one of the idiosyncratic Tenenbaums – Royal, Etheline, Margot, Chaz, Richie or one of their extended family, Eli Cash, Raleigh St. Clair, and Pagoda. Or come en mass as TEAM Zissou from A Life Aquatic.
Savour the speciality cocktails at the bar (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaum and A Life Aquatic) and let dj’s Raymond Baumbach and Matthew Wilson take you late into the night..
Wildcat… wild… cat… pow…