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Bristol Indymedia

Mon 1 October 2007 // 20:00

Bristol Indymedia Film Night: Vulture Funds – The 'Perverse and Immoral' Face of Debt

Monday 1st October 8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £2/£3 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.)

Five years ago, Gordon Brown told the United Nations that the vultures were perverse and immoral: We particularly condemn the perversity where vulture funds purchase debt at a reduced price and make a profit from suing the debtor country to recover the full amount owed, a morally
outrageous outcome. Indymedia Film Night presents a documentary by
Award winning investigative journalist Greg Palast looking at the
practices of 'Vulture Fund' companies that buy up the debt of poor
countries at cheap prices, and then demand payments much higher than the original amount of the debt, often taking poor countries to court when they cannot afford to repay. Greg reports on one company trying to
collect $40 million from the government of Zambia after buying its debt for $4 million.

The event is accompanied by a mixture of informative and humorous short films around the issue and a brief talk by third-world debt campaigners.