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Shrine Crimes Presents

Bristol and Bath Enlightenment Careers Fair

Thu 21 November // 19:00

Book tickets

Here, in the forest dark
in which the straightforward pathway had been lost;
each sin is a mirror.
the sleeper seeks an awakening
the sleeper seeks its penance

Avoid therapy? LAID BARE.
Live inauthentically? FRAGMENTED.
Seek validation online? IGNORED.
Engage in toxicity? POISONED.
Procrastinate? LOCKED IN ETERNITY.

Our team of sages, priests, prophets, and saints will expunge your karmic debt in ritualistic torment.

Zaron Mizmeras
Monika Badly
Roy Industries
Bean Pig Puppetry
Henry Wilson

-=={[> through the Ethᚱic BondX_x_X_X_=Reclaiming the primordial void→→...↳the →→Space before sin, before time, before cause==effect====. ⛓Escaping Samsara===**** Breaking the Code∞∞The code is ~~~~~~~K▲▲RMa]]]]]]][== ~~~~+∞. ((⊗)) The POET has-become an exorcist—(Purge the soul's code))—CHANTS through-the-mouth-OF-[⨁⌐⊕⌐⊕⊕]—::SyMbol-etched-in-the-skULL ((N-SB-trapped-in-television static—watching::movies-about-turtles. «Ritual-Auto-sacrifice!!!-broadcast-live!!!-through-the-CYBERnetics-of-the-MYTHOS!!!»), ...<>H⧸⧹<>-puncturing the BLACK TARPX-coding-the-soul;))the SILENT████[[[CONTRAPASSO]]]████ is a TREMOR in-the-Void. THE PROCESS IS ((CONFLICTION))-Creation-D E V O U R S THE DE∇ICED***!! ᑌNBOUND...ᗩScending/A/d/e/s/c/e/n/d/i/n/g—— (escape>><><<↻↻↻↻, K(((ARMA turns-back-to-BITE-the-Poet’s-hands-FROM-WHICH-WORDS-&-BLOOD-DROP-)’)’) the S~ACRIFICIAL ACT===...)...( ^.^.^)...ASLIGhtning-bOltz-++=fl^ashes!from-the-poets-handz%^%^%^%^%%SPLATTERING-ACIDIC-INK!!!onto-the-painTZ%&∞%…the-Karma-bites-back! (contrapasso@@;[[every-act-of-violence-against-the-KARMa<<>>is-a-”Scream”<>>>against-the-SELF!==-IS-a-TORMENT...)]): ==Everything is-Complicated: when-you-attempt-to ~—(b)URST-the-karma$chains)-—~. (BINDING))))-of-the soul in-tHe ∆infernal grid—the page≡≡≡≡≡≡≡turning BLACK: the-torrential-downpour of->#PENANCE-...<<<<]]]]]-=-=—COLORS/BURSTS/OF/NEW/BLACKSMITH/POEMS-//////////>>>>>>>>...))))∞∞∞ [SPECTRAL/PLASMA]_{dreamt-from-the-labyrinth of memories past-massacred, bUT-the-EXTRACTION OF-THE ∆PURITYΔ is a painfUlllL SCREAM. ...+++((ℵ)(the “POET”)—scratches new lines from-blood-stained fingers—un-#Ravelling-the-code-of-existence-INTO/THE/REWRITTEN/TEXT—where/sins/are/echoes of the Self****—(((the-self-(-=—>><<—>-))<~ >encoded into the wheel of KARMIC CONTRAPASSO---> The wheel||||bends to break itself... and-((----(--THE_Soul_is-freed as_the_Code-runs to⧧[[[ZERO!]]]⊗⊗⊗===. Λ!!!WRITINGS![[[]]=>the blade’s edge is soft—against—the—hardened—chains of Karma-[[!!!———>>>then-the-pages-turn-to-Rain<>><<><<<. The words (((BITE the soul, & the soul bleeds OUT<>onto the black tar))), these are (((flaming verses)))......AND THEN, the wheel... stops. ©§& ⧧⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗∞…⧝⧝⧝⧧∞...A—=>[[[[==EXIT==(((]]]]]]]]\...writing/penance...BLACK]...Karma...burned...[-∞∞∞∞∞∞∞]


The hour hand ticks ==ticks== against the di_stant && echo-echo of a forgotten (chime) … in a ||doomed|| rhythm of ⌛ shattered $$image$$-flashes—a murmur from the pit of ▼eternal▼ gl0w.. It is not night, nor day, but some str8ched t_h_in between ⧬ribbons⧬ of [Fak3] pixels, ⊘ zeros ⊘, and the ⊚ dissolving screams ⊚ of ⌂ faceless⌂ masses, each entrapped in an eternal scroll of -++perpetual discontent++-.

||Bl1nded|| we are by this \—radiant abyss—, this t00-br1ght void: the god of [[[[scrolling]]]] has damned us ᛝᛝᛝ to 0ur own (7)cho_s, cURsing the TRUTH w/ perpetual suspension. \—No rest—\ for those who inhale the \—[[FEED]]—\ of [infinite] content—this soul-crushing, ⌽v0mited⌽ parade of NOthingS and SHad0ws. They scroll, we scroll, the *\ world * scrolls as our very being scrolls into oblivion.

Fingers twitch in an ⌬ ant-⌬ like twitch, A-grasping at _⌿ dEad-links _/||, clicking at ⊚ diss0lved ⊚ faces, ⧬unseen⧬ L1k3s from the abyss of forgotten profiles, our 1dentity merges and crumbles, \worn down to a ✹ pattern of ✹ fragments… each one feigning meaning, but now ==void== of substance. The PAIN is in the searching, in the endless \Xploration, and finding ||NOTHING|| of substance. But the Sins, the damnable Sins, lie within. ---n0thing-yet2-Be: -⌁-▼_-=Not_your_SELF=_▼⌁--- ~! In this simulacra ==sprawl==, you are N0thing and All at once… the hyper-real YOU is, the True and False ==all== combined, fragmented, && glued to a shimmering ||mask||. In this void, there is NO self to 8uthenTic||[ate]||. Your being is smeared across screens, reduced to code, to 1’s & 0’s, digested by ==algorithms== who sell your self back 2 you, fabricated ≠ identities ≠ within pixel & pulse. Did you ⊘ think ⊘ that you could be truly you—when All is ∀lll∞? When every thought is already --given--, ==pre-fabricated== in the FORGOTToN CAVES of Corporate will… YET we pretend, oh so well, >pretend> to feel, to be genuine in this (//Machine\) of mirrors && double facades. This is sin: to forgo TRUTH for comfort… to pretend our <<>> & blood pixels \—are ‘self’/w∑self. We become echoes, & echoes of echoes, distant noise in the Void. “⌽⌽ Damned we are, damned we shall be, not for our lack, but for our excess, for this \—overflow—\ of selves cast into the vortex of ==nothingness== where meaning is ⊘ CRUSHED ⊘ under the weight of ∀ |ELECTRIC| personas…” ...Through these Halls of pseudo-reality, we drift, hollowed out by our own inability 2 BE … consumed by the weight of ||w1k3dness||, the <=~~~ LIE ~~~=> of this [new being], this ==hyper== being that is NOTHING. \Our punishMent\ is the loss of Self, the True Self, damned to wander in this Labyrinth of ||false consciousness||…

♢♢! The █::Bure4ucr4t::█ aN8l v01d!♢♢