Metatron + Alex Grey
Sun 27 August 2006 // 20:00
(Sun 27th / 8pm / £5)
METATRON 3 goes cosmic trigger! ON stage and on screen live hip hop poetry hosted by Kev the Poet + friends – plus live music and electronic love vibes and reggae dub in the bar with Sol ^ Jah and guests. We want to share the love of life on this 3rd planet from the sun with you.
We believe that life is about art, music and making connections with like minded light working energy souls (in human form but any form welcome!) METATRON features visionary artists like Alex Gray and music from amazing acts.
We welcome people who can share their vocals and breakdance moves and you know!! Natural born cosmicness : ) Life is amazing so switch on your crown and git down and funky wit the last minute crew and feel our love. Blessings and the highest respect to Mother Earth and all her creatures. 2012 is coming and I wanna DANCE!