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Bristol Radical Film Festival opening night event:

Radical Film Festival Launch Night

Book launch with Radical Film Network Berlin, Ursula Böckler, Julia Lazarus & Alexandra Weltz-Rombach

Wed 1 November 2023 // 20:00

Tickets: £5 full price £3 students and free for unwaged

The opening night of Bristol Radical Film Festival (4-5 Nov) kicks off with the launch of a major new anthology of writing edited by members of the Berlin chapter of the international Radical Film Network.

Can radical film practices help to understand a disintegrating world? Can they have a healing effect? How can we maintain structures of solidarity in the field of radical media production for societies in turmoil and transition? And what does radical cultural practice look like in times such as ours, when everywhere we turn there seem to lurk even more acute challenges?

Edited by members of the Berlin chapter of the international Radical Film Network, this collection investigates practices of audio-visual production that act on and struggle with the conditions of our time. The contributions were created by film practitioners, artists, activists, as well as academics and critics, all of whom share a commitment to experimentation and insist on a pluriversal rethinking of the image in radical film, art and digital media. (The book launch will also include a special focus on video activism in Turkey, with contributions from Şirin Fulya Erensoy, Fatoş Erdoğan, Oktay İnce, Özge Çelikaslan, Graw Böckler). 

