Dir: Kate Horne, Columbia, 2017, 73 minutes, Spanish with English subtitles
Sat 19 October 2019 // 19:30
Tickets: £5 (full) / £3 (concession)
A special screening of the celebrated documentary El Testigo: Caín Y Abel by prize-winning director Kate Horne.
This moving explores the life of Colombian war photographer Jesús Abad Colorado through his work about the armed conflict in Colombia. Abad Colorado's photographs were an integral part of ¡Basta Ya! -the landmark report about the impact of the armed conflict carried out by the Colombian National Centre for Historical Memory.
The murders of his family in rural Colombia could have inspired a young Jesus Abad Colorado to pick up a gun; instead he bought a camera. Jesus dedicated the next 25 years to documenting Colombia’s war and became an acclaimed photojournalist.
The screening will be followed by a public dialogue with the director Kate Horne, the ex-director of the National Centre for Historical Memory Gonzalo Sánchez, and human rights lawyer Lina Malagón, and chaired by Andrei Gómez-Suárez (University of Bristol).