Sat 6 July 2019 // 14:30
Tickets: £2 on the door
POSTPONED due to illness. New date will be announced later.
Be witness to people voicing their own 5G tales be it heart or head felt, deadly serious or light of heart. What is your perspective or experience of 5G, what might 5G mean for us... what is it? All perspectives welcome.
If you would like a 10 min slot to talk and/or present just be in touch with us before hand via cubeadmin @ cubecinema.com or let us know of your interest.
This community investigation concerns itself with informations and perceptions that might give us some learning and to also find out how we came to experience these facts/stories/hunches.
It is not planned to be a debate but people can take questions if they want during their presentation or informally after all have presented.
Any form of presentation is possible if we can host it. Talk, chat, lecture, film, poetry, mime, music etc.