Dir: Richard Billingham, 2019, UK, 123 mins, Cert: 15
Sun 31 March 2019 // 17:00
Mon 1 April 2019 // 20:00
Tickets: £5 (full) / £4 (concession)
On the outskirts of Birmingham and the margins of society, the Billingham family perform extreme rituals and break cultural taboos as they muddle through a life decided by factors beyond their control.
Turner Prize-nominated and Deutsche Börse Prize-winning artist, Richard Billingham, returns to the striking photographs of his family during Thatcher-era Britain. The film is based on Billingham’s memories, focussing on his parents Ray and Liz, their relationship, and its impact on Richard and his younger brother Jason.
**** Little White Lies
***** Observer
**** Financial Times
Online tickets are on sale until 3 hours before the film start time. In house box office opens 30 mins before film starts.