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Bristol Radical History Group Presents

American Climate Rebels – visionary grassroots struggle from North America

Post film discussion with Filma makers Shaun Dey and Fliss Premra

Reel News, 2019, UK

Mon 7 October 2019 // 20:00

Tickets: £5 / £4

A screening of films made by video activist collective Reel News during their tour of North America to see what is happening with a climate denying President in charge of the USA. What they found were visionary struggles, with working class communities of colour getting on with implementing a just transition away from fossil fuels themselves through collective action. In these struggles, climate change is being seen not so much as a threat but as an opportunity to create the communities they want to live in and at the same time to put right historic injustices.

Two of the filmmakers, Shaun Day and Fliss Premra, will be at the screening and will take part in the discussion that follows. Organised by the Bristol Radical History Group.