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Nanoplex Presents Arrietty

Sun 14 April 2013 // 16:00

(Sun 14th April / 4pm / £3 kids and carers), £4 all others / free for What Giant's! participants)

(Hiromasa Yonebayashi / Japan / 2010 / 94 minutes / Certificate PG)

Tiny, but tenacious Arrietty lives with her parents in the recesses of a suburban garden home. Like all little people, Arrietty remains hidden from view, except during occasional ventures beyond the floorboards to borrow from the human inhabitants of the house they live in. But when 12-year-old Shawn, a human boy who comes to stay in the home, discovers his mysterious house mate one evening, a secret friendship blossoms and the adventure begins.

An excellent Studio Ghibli version of the much loved Borrowers story.