Cast And Crew Screening Of September

Sun 1 June 2008 // 17:00

(Sun 1st / 7pm)

A world caught between mundane reality and magical possibility, sensuous and impressionistic, this film flutters into existence, deftly sketching out a life of false starts and stops for the young people who work in the kitchen of a motorway services restaurant located between the relentless streaming of traffic so deafening it pushes dialogue into subtitles. September's sun-dappled dirty fields is where protagonist, Marvin, a boy-man who has learnt to quietly smile at most of life's indignities, first sees the latest thing to be deposited off the motorway - a young woman, in the thrall of an old crone, using this as practice ground for her painful 'act'. As the sun sets, Marvin unravels at the sight of her hovering, levitating impossibly above the long grass. Over a surreal night of mischief Marvin must choose between the new and old, staying and going, the real and imagined, and as the film flutters out of existence, its fragments of visual beauty bring us to a new place - one that's alive to the potential of the world.

With an international and locally produced soundtrack from the likes of Cubesters Tom Bugs, Bass Clef and Crescent, this is a special film of inbetween places and peoples