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Private Browsing presents


A Stanley Tucci Birthday Celebration

Dir Steven Antin, 2010, USA, 119 minutes, certificate12A

Wed 16 November 2022 // 20:00

Tickets: £5

Cher, ​​Christina Aguilera, Alan Cumming and Stanley Tucci star in this camp classic. Panned by the critics on release, the time has come to rediscover this piece of kitsch. It’s also everyone’s daddy crush Stanley Tucci’s birthday so we’re making it a proper party. 

The film hangs on the loosest of plots (a young woman heading to the big city to find herself) and is really just an excuse for dazzlingly costumes, lots of dancing and Christina and Cher battling each other to be the biggest diva. 

We’ll be having special Tucci inspired cocktails plus much more. So apply that thick eye shadow, pull on those heels and head down to your local Microplex. You won’t want to miss it.