grand total raised of our £185,000 goal:

£ 205,375.90

THANKYOU everyone !!!!

individual donations recorded to date: 935

total raised from public donations: £77,252.9
...... including Bristol Old Vic fundraiser £4,852
...... donation from Artspace Lifespace of £1,000
...... & running total raised by The Film that Buys The Cinema £3755.

total input from Cube Cinema's own funds: £24,749.00

sum committed by The David Family Foundation, on condition that we raise the full amount: £25,000.00

funding secured from Arts Council England, on condition that we raise the full amount: £80,000.00*

* £10,000 of a total £90,000 from Arts Council England will be reserved to cover the necessary legal and professional costs of transferring the property.