CUBE archive.


Ang Lee / 2005 / USA / 35 mm / 134 mins / cert 15)
(Mon 20th-Thu 23rd / 9pm / £4/3/2ttt)
In recent years, the mainstream motion picture industry in America has fallen 
into the habit of making high-concept issue movies that, whilst attempting to 
empathise with a minority group, often objectify them to the point of 
patronisation. It is the avoidance of this that makes Brokeback Mountain such a
refreshing change. Despite director Ang Lee's tendency to allow picturesque 
landscape to dominate the frame, the background is never allowed to fully 
substitute for the human drama at the centre of this tender love story of 
lonesome cowboys. Due in no small part to the faithful adaptation of E. Annie 
Proulx's briliant short story, and to the terrifically understated  performances
by Jake Gylenhaal and Heath Ledger,  he slow power of the tale never bubbles
over into melodrama or camp cliche. As such, it will be well deserving of the
little golden men it will no doubt attract on Oscar night.